The Adventure Momma NWA: Who Is The Adventure Momma?

Yellowrock Overlook

Yellowrock Overlook
Adventures Over Tantrums

Who Is The Adventure Momma?

Hello friends! Welcome to The Adventure Momma NWA!

Did you know there is an actual diagnosis for children who spend too much time indoors?

According to the Child Mind Institute, Nature deficit disorder is not only a disorder, but a crisis.

I’m Ashley Johnson and my family and I have a blinding passion for spending time outdoors together. My husband, toddler, and new mini due in March 2022, live in beautiful Northwest Arkansas. 

Hiking, cycling, camping, and climbing are just a few of our passions that get us out in this beautiful state.

With hundreds of beautiful and informative blogs geared towards connecting with nature, you may wonder why I’m adding my own log to this campfire…

Well, because when I was looking to get back out into nature in the spring of 2020, It wasn’t as simple as grabbing my pack, some water, and hitting a trail. I had a new, precious little bundle with me and I realized it took much more planning and research than I had generally anticipated. 

What do I wear so that I can easily breastfeed?

How do I protect him from the sun?

How am I supposed to carry him? A wrap? A pack? In my arms?    

What products do I actually need?

Not to mention the trail itself…

What level difficulty can I handle. 

(I mean I did just birth a child, surely I can knock out tough terrain… but do I really want to?)

All the products, videos, and Pinterest boards left me staring at a screen much longer than I would like to admit.  

Y’all, I was lost and overwhelmed in a realm that I would normally feel completely at home in.

I knew that I wanted to raise my son outdoors, but I had no idea where to begin or what products I actually needed. I mean, babies are expensive and I couldn’t just go out and buy everything that looked cool for the sake of having it. 

So I bought what I could, used what I had, made many mistakes and waisted money, but I learned a lot throughout that process.

My goal is to ignite a fire within you to get you and your family outdoors! I hope to help you refrain making some of the mistakes that I initially did. I am here to answer your questions and help you navigate some of the obstacles that might have been holding you back thus far.

If you are the parent of small children and want to spend more time out in nature, this is the blog for you! I am so excited for this journey and I cannot wait to hear all about your experiences. 


-The Adventure Momma NWA

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